† Deeply inspired and convinced that IF GOD HEARD THE PRAYERS of those who kept a 24-HOUR VIGIL before the Blessed Sacrament for the return to Rome of Pope Pius VII who in 1814 was taken by Napoleon Bonaparte to France as a prisoner,
† GOD WOULD ALSO SURELY HEAR AND ANSWER THE PRAYERS of the Filipino faithful to strengthen His Church in the Philippines then suffering from the attacks of the
† Aglipayans and Protestants (both of which have gained strength after Spain handed our country to Americans.
† This was the circumstance which prompted
Rev. Fr. VICTORIANO PASCUAL, SJ and DON EMILIO MA. MORETA (a regular donor and very pious parishioner) both from the Church of St. Ignatius in Intramuros, Manila, to introduce NOCTURNAL or NIGHT ADORATION of the Blessed Sacrament, an already very popular devotion around the world.
† Although a confraternity of night adoration was from under the direction and care of Pope Pius VII after his return to Rome

Sacrament for everyone to adore, IT’S RAYS FELL ON COHEN, upon which he felt an invisible force, pushed him down to kneel on the pews and then heard a voice which told him—–
† “HERMAN, FROM NOW ON, YOU ARE A CATHOLIC.” Realizing how he had been touched by God, he profoundly thanked God, saying, “Lord, now that I have found you, I’ll never let You go!”
† His deep love for God which seemed to have enveloped him was manifested one afternoon when he, instead of walking straight home, decided to pass by a chapel run by nuns.
† Upon entering, he noticed that the nuns were holding a vigil before an exposed Blessed Sacrament.
† He decided to join them and, very soon, became absorbed in the thoughts and feelings of God that he never noticed that the clock had already struck 8 in the evening, and that it was already time to close the chapel.
† The nuns requested that he leave. Instead of leaving, though, he implored them to give him some more time to commune with God. This was denied, however, and the nuns literally forced him out. The next day he complained and poured out his disappointment before the priest appointed him choir master.
† The priest tried to comfort Herman, telling him that it was the nuns’ policy. However, the priest continued, if Herman could gather twelve (12) of his friends to pray with him, then he would be glad to open the Tabernacle for them so they can hold their own VIGIL!
† Ten (10) days after, on December 6, 1848, Herman presented not twelve (12) BUT TWENTY-SIX (26) men to the priest. Feeling their deep desire and enthusiasm, the priest gladly opened the Tabernacle so they can hold a vigil. It was the night which came to be considered the formal birth of NIGHT ADORATION as an Organization.
† Herman, who continued to show his unwavering piety, soon joined the priesthood and was able to have a church built where night adoration was encouraged. Through his pious efforts to practice and propagate night adoration, he was, therefore, considered its FOUNDER.
† Night adoration immediately spread in many countries. Among these were Rome, Brazil, Mexico, and Spain. Here in the Philippines, Rev. Fr. Victoriano and Don Emilio deeply considered introducing it to the Filipino faithful, NOT ONLY AS A SOURCE OF BLESSINGS FROM GOD, but at as the BEST RESPONSE to the New Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1917 which provides that a society of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist be established in every parish.
† It was on October 9, 1920 in the Church of St. Ignatius in Intramuros, Manila, that a meeting was held. All those who attended prayed during the night and agreed to establish the organization the day after.
† Thus, on October 10, 1920, during the high mass in the church, Adoracion Nocturna Filipina (ANF) was established!
† The members called themselves TURNO NO. 1 with Rev. Fr. Victoriano Pascual, SJ as the First Chaplain.
† Don Emilio Ma. Moreta s the Founder, and Bro. Francisco Munoz de Perez as the First Jefe de Turno.
† Turno No.1 had eighty (80) members when it started. It was placed under the patronage of St. Francis Borja (himself a great devotee of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist) since it was on his feast day that the Adoracion was established.
† The whole ANF however, was placed under the patronage of St. Paschal Baylon, the patron saint of all Eucharistic assemblies. Five (5) days later, Turno No. 2 under the patronage of St. Anthony de Padua, was established by the Franciscans and this was immediately followed by the establishment of Turno of St. Vincent Ferrer by the Dominicans.
† Not long after, the ANF left the area of Intramuros as other Turnos also began to be established all throughout Manila and the suburban towns of Pasay, San Pedro, Makati, to as far as Quezon province in the south, and Bulacan in the north, so that by the time Don Emilio vacated his seat in 1930,
† There were already SEVENTY THREE (73) TURNOS in existence,
† On March 2, 1925, Alfonso Leslapi D’ongray, President of the Venerable Archconfraternity of Night Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, sent an official document to the ANF, informing its officers and members that it has been officially affiliated with the Archconfraternity in Rome!
† In 1930, Bro. Lucio Lucas took over the presidency on the ANF (then housed at the La Ignaciana Retreat House. This became the ANF’s official residence from 1926 to 1965, after relocating, as the space it
† Occupied at the church of St. Ignatius could no longer accommodate the ANF’s growing population), then on the late 1990’s, it was officially transferred to the Xavier House in Sta. Ana, Manila, and finally at present, the ANF National Council officially occupies Room 305 of the Pius XII Catholic Center along United Nations Avenue, 1175 Manila.
† With the help of Rev. Fr. Juan Anguela, SJ, more Turnos were established in several churches. It then happened that those who aspired to become members of the pious society were no longer limited to men who reached the age of 22 for younger men, and boys, too, sought entry.
† Thus on February 24, 1935. the FIRST TARCISIAN TURNO was established in Manila.
† Not long after, Fr. Juan Anguela and Bro. Pedro had to admit the women as honorary members who expressed their desire to join.
† Through the endeavors of Justice Pastor Endencia, a pioneer in the ANF, more Turnos in Naga City and Pangasinan were established.
† It was said that he was able to organize more than 130 Turnos until his death in 1986.
† From 1940 to 1970, the presidency was held by Bro. EUSEBIO GUTIERREZ. It was during his term when the ANF had already established 162 Turnos and had more than 6,000 members that the Second World War broke out.
† Despite the new threats of danger against the lives of the adorers, Bro. Eusebio continuously encouraged the members to remain steadfast in their vigils.
- Rev. Fr. Victoriano Pascual, SJ 1920-1925
- Rev. Fr. Juan Anguela, SJ 1926-1935
- Rev. Fr. Jose Siguion, SJ 1936-1942
- Rev. Fr. Luis Torralba, SJ 1943-1949
- Rev. Fr. Pedro Verceles, SJ 1949-1962
- Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Ma. Guerrero, SJ 1962-1990
- Rev. Fr. Alfredo Parpan, SJ 1990-1993
- Rev. Fr. Reynaldo F. Ocampo, SJ 1994-2008
- Rev. Fr. Manuel M. Flores, SJ 2009-Present
List of Past National Presidents :
- Bro. Emilio Ma. Moreta 1920-1930
- Bro. Pedro Lucas 1931-1939
- Bro. Eusebio Gutierrez 1940-1970
- Bro. Prudencio de Guzman 1971-1979
- Bro. Luis Ma. Villaseran 1980-1986
- Bro. Exequiel B. Fernando 1986-1990
- Bro. Jose M. Policarpio 1991-1995
- Bro. Romeo A. Javier 1996-1998
- Bro. Paul S. Cabasug 1999-2001
- Bro. Nicomedes R. Pagulayan 2002-2007
- Bro. Manuel I. Granados 2008-2014
- Bro. Carlos I. Landagan 2014 to present
- Website and computerization started in 2004;
- Damayan Fund started in 2008 to present
- ANF Basic Education and Formation started in 2008 to present
(from Art 39 “Apostolic Formation ANF Const. & By-Laws ).
What is Night Adoration?
- It is an act of worship which serves as a response to Christ invitation,
- “Come to me all of you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you.” Mt 11:28
- It is a prayer in the silence of the night, paying great honor to Almighty God, and act of worship to our Lord Jesus Christ who is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
- It is a work approved of the church in answer to the challenges of the modern world mainly because the church is now:
- in a state of crisis in the authority,
- in its priestly celibacy
- in marriages and family relations,
- in religious life and faith, and in prayer
- The worlds needs today authentic Christians whom ANF can provide.
Why Adoration at Night?
- Christ prayed at night up to the early hours of the morning .Mk 1:83, Lk 6:12
- Nighttime is the most unholy hour of the day when men commit crimes and sins more frequently, whereas, in the darkness of the night before His passion, Jesus made His appeal to His apostles, “Could you not watch one hour with Me?”
- For men engaged in their work during the day, this is the most practical time in weekend to pray.
- Primary function of ANF?
- Each ANF Turno makes an overnight vigil once a month in the presence of the Most Holy Sacrament The Eucharist exposed on the altar. Every adorer spends one hour of adoration and meditation.
What benefits can an adorer get from Adoracion Nocturna Filipina?
- All Eucharistic Societies affiliated with the Archconfraternity of Night Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Rome share in the graces, good works and suffrages of all adorers throughout the world.
- Thus ANF shares the merits and graces of its works and prayers with all the adorers of other Sections throughout the world.
- The ANF shares in all the spiritual graces and benefits of the Arch- confraternity of Night Adoration.
- Praying at night will help an adorer become interiorly free, that is free from fears, worries, uncertainties of life, and above all from sin.
- An adorer grows in a special way in the spirit of faith because he lives it constantly in the presence of the Eucharist.
- Through his monthly act of adoration and sacrifice for the love of God and all men, an adorer will have a more meaningful Christian life.
How can one be a member of Adoracion Nocturna Filipina?
- To qualify as Aspirant Adorer, an applicant must fulfill the following:
- A Catholic layman must have attained his 18th birthday.
- He must be one who wishes to live a more genuine Christian life by devout service to God and his neighbor.
- He must accomplished an application form ( Form 3)to be endorsed by an active adorer who will present him to the Jefe de Turno and to the member’s assembled during the Turno meeting.
- He must pay his Annual Membership Dues.
- He must undergo an Apostolic Formation
To qualify as an Active Adorer:
- The candidate must have fully satisfied the conditions prescribed in the preceding article.
- He must have completed three consecutive regular and/or general vigils.
- Once he has fully satisfied the requirements set forth in the preceding article, the Jefe de Turno, with the approval of the Turno Chaplain, submits the Executive Board his recommendation for the promotion of the Candidate to the rank of Active Adorer.
- A Tarcisian, upon reaching his thirty sixth (36th) birthday, provided that during the whole year prior to becoming 36 years old, he attended at least six vigils or three (3) consecutive vigils immediately prior to his qualification as active adorer.
- The candidate is officially admitted as active adorer of a Turno after he has undergone the Apostolic Formation Seminar, being given the official Badge of the organization, and his Pledge in appropriate ceremonies held for the purpose.
- The Jefe de Turno must submit to the National Council as soon as possible the name of the new member and the date of his acceptance as an Active adorer in order that a registration number may be assigned to him, a Membership (ID) Card issued, and his inscription in the registry of the National Council duly affected. Copy of this record must be furnished the Executive Board by the Turno Secretary (Form 13).
- This requirement must be strictly complied with because non-issuance of the Registration Number and non-inscription in the National Register may later on work against the Adorer’s promotion to the rank of VETERAN ADORER.
Reception and Pledge of an Active Adorer
- Art. 37- The solemn reception of active adorers, the imposition of the National Badge and the pledge can be held by the Turno during any of its Regular Monthly Vigils. The Turno Chaplain and the Jefe de Turno shall
preside over this function in a ceremony prescribed by the Ritual. This required ceremony should be strictly followed.
Organizational Structure
The Adoracion Nocturna Filipina has its own governing bodies which are in the ascending order – as follows:
- Turno in every Parish;
- Executive Board of the Section;
- Diocesan/Archdiocesan Council;
- Regional Council;
- National Council;
- National Eucharistic Assembly.
The chief duty of all the governing bodies is to see to it that the purpose and spirit of the organization is preserved by the faithful observance of the Constitution and By-Laws.
All officers in charge of this organization are appointed.
These three words are expressed by the three signs or symbols:
- The Joined Hands
- The Distinctive Badge
- The Flag
- Piety and the Joined Hands: (Venia)
- Means devotion of a son to his father. In this case, devotion of a Christian to the will of the Heavenly Father. It means loyalty to one’s baptismal promise.
- The Joined hands is the symbol of this act of devotion, of humility and submission to God. In the presence of Our Lord, the adorer joins his hands together in prayer and penitence just as the priest at Mass joins his hands in an attitude of reverence and submission to the Father.
- Unity and the Distinctive Badge.
- Vatican II put emphasis on the communitarian spirit of Christianity “ One Faith, One Baptism, One Lord, One God, Father of us all.” This communitarian spirit should give adorers a sense of identity with all other men who are made in Christ’s mystical body. This oneness or unity is expressed by the symbol of the Badge by which they recognize one another in the love of the Eucharist.
- Charity and the A.N.F. Flag.
- The driving force in a Christian’s life is Love.
- An adorer draws this Christian spirit of love from the Eucharist, the sacrament of:
- Christ’s commandment:
The Official greeting of this organization and must head all official communications is:

- The Chalice is symbolic of the Consecration: “You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the Lord your God” Leviticus 20:7. It also points to the centrality of the Lord’s Supper and symbolizes the Holy Communion and the blood shed by Jesus on the cross; In the Host, we proclaim the Real Presence of Jesus in the Consecrated piece of bread bearing the JHS inscription which is an abbreviation of the name Jesus in Greek; The rays signify Jesus as the Light of the world; the map of the Philippines as country of origin and 1920 as year of establishment of the ANF.
- Blue signifies the world & Red the driving Spirit.